The top Democrat in the Iowa legislature is urging other lawmakers to set aside the rancor of the 2012 campaign and pivot to governing. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gronstal of Council Bluffs addressed the 26 senators who won their race in November during remarks on the senate floor this morning.

“Some of you went through a challenging campaign to get here. Some of us went through a challenging campaign to return here,” Gronstal said. “Now’s the time to set that aside. Elections are about giving voters a choice by highlighting our differences. Governing’s about helping citizens solve problems by finding common ground.”

Senate President Pam Jochum, a Democrat from Dubuque, echoed those sentiments during a speech she gave this morning.

“Put lasting progress ahead of short-term partisanship,” Jochum said.

House Democratic Leader Kevin McCarthy told Republicans it’s time to “turn the page” and “work together in a spirit of compromise.”

Iowa is one of only three states with a legislature divided along partisan lines, with Republicans controlling the House and Democrats controlling the Senate.

Radio Iowa