Law-abiding people who work for crooked employers often fear going public because they would likely be fired — or worse. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley is introducing legislation he hopes will provide a new shield so those employees can “do the right thing” by reporting the wrongdoing.

“Our bipartisan bill would, for the first time, prohibit any retaliation or discrimination against whistleblowers who report criminal anti-trust activity,” Grassley says. “Our legislation would apply to violations such as price fixing, market allocation and bid rigging.”

Grassley, a Republican, is introducing the measure along with Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democrat from Vermont. “It’s very much a part of my ongoing commitment to strengthen whistleblower laws and advocate on behalf of whistleblowers,” Grassley says.

“Whistleblowers know where the skeletons are and can identify wrongdoing that law enforcement agencies would otherwise never know anything about.” The measure is called the Criminal Anti-Trust and Anti-Retaliation Act and Grassley says it’s much-needed in today’s marketplace.

“Whistleblowers stick out their neck, usually risking a great deal professionally and personally on behalf of the public good,” Grassley says. “I have seen and know whistleblowers who, for doing the right thing, have ruined themselves professionally.”

Grassley says this initiative will help to bring about a more competitive marketplace. He says competition is fundamental to the free enterprise system, which is damaged by the criminal cartel.

Radio Iowa