Over 1400 people gathered for the 52nd annual Iowa Prayer Breakfast this morning, a record turn-out for the event. A man who was the honorary chairman of the 2008 National Day of Prayer was the keynote speaker.

“We as the church of Jesus Christ — those of us who claim to be a part of it — it has to start with us,” Dr. Ravi Zacharias said. “We need to ask ourselves: Are we giving people the word of God? Are we giving them that which will be a light unto their feet and a lamp unto their path, that which will guide them?”

Zacharias was born in India and immigrated to Canada. He’s made Atlanta, Georgia, the headquarters for his international ministry. Worship should govern how Christians make their choices, according to Zacharias.

“Worshipping God is the primary call of every individual. That’s the only thing that brings together head, heart, mind, mind, will, purpose and compassion,” Zacharias said.

Zacharias warned a life without worship leads to a “fragmented” life.

“All that we do in public is ultimately governed by who we are in private,” Zacharias said. “And what we do in private can only coalesce either with the sacred or with the profane.”

Zacharias spoke for just over half an hour. Several elected officials attended the Iowa Prayer Breakfast, including former Governor Bob Ray, legislators from both parties and Governor Terry Branstad.

“I appreciate your public testimony by your presence here today of the importance of prayer in all of our lives,” Branstad said in a brief welcome to the crowd.

Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals director Rod Roberts is also a Church of Christ pastor. He was chair of this morning’s (Thursday’s) event and delivered the opening prayer, asking for a blessing of the elected officials in the room.

“Bless their labor of love and service to the people of Iowa with integrity and honor and bless them with unity and the divine ability to solve the challenges our state and nation face,” Roberts prayed.

The Iowa Prayer Breakfast is held each year on the Thursday before Easter Sunday.

Radio Iowa