Research released this past weekend indicates 77 percent of likely Iowa Caucus goers support creation of a new process that would grant U.S. citizenship to undocumented immigrants.

John Stineman, a Republican political consultant, conducted a telephone conference call this morning to discuss the poll that was conducted in April.

“It’s really time for a reset on the immigration issue in Republican politics,” Stineman said. “And that’s both in Iowa and in Republican presidential politics where our state gets to play a major role.”

The Partnership for a New American Economy, a group that supports immigration reform, paid for the poll.

“We think that the findings are quite compelling,” Stineman said.

According to Stineman, it’s time to “tear away” labels like “amnesty” and starting having an “intelligent discussion” about how to fix the situation.

“Iowa Republican Caucus goers are really supportive of immigration reform,” Stineman said. “There’s really no two ways about it.”

The poll found just 17 percent of Iowa Caucus goers consider immigration policy their number one voting issue and will not support a candidate who talks about reforming the immigration system rather than deporting undocumented immigrants.

Radio Iowa