The Jasper County Board of Supervisors is unanimously supporting plans by the City of Colfax to annex property that will be the site of a new sales and distribution center for Beck’s Hybrids.

“In addition to being voluntary, the City of Colfax has committed to the extension of municipal water and sewer in the area,” says Jeff Davison, who has been working with “Keep Iowa Beautiful” efforts in Jasper County. “By being annexed into the city of Colfax, the municipal rates will be lower for Beck’s.”

The plan is to bring 15 acres of land into the Colfax city limits. Beck’s Hybrids has acquired more land which could be annexed into the city later as their facilities expand. The Jasper County Board of Supervisors’ support of the annexation will be noted in the paperwork the City of Colfax files with the state.

Beck’s Hybrids is the largest family-owned seed company in the U.S. It’s new $14.2 million facility in Colfax will sit just off Interstate 80.

(Reporting by Randy Van, KCOB, Newton)

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