Steve King (file photo)

Steve King (file photo)

Republican Congressman Steve King endorsed Ted Cruz 77 days before the Iowa Caucuses. There are 95 days left before the General Election –and King still is not ready to formally back Donald Trump.

While visiting the Kossuth County Fair in Algona Thursday, King left no doubt he would vote for Trump, but he isn’t ready to offer an all-out endorsement.

“At this point, I will say I am prepared to go into the polls and vote for him. I’m prepared to ask others to do the same. I’m going to continue to work with his top people to shape the best policy we can and maybe I’ll get to that place where it’s a full-throated endorsement,” King said. “Not yet.”

Opponents of Trump have said immigrants are doing job Americans won’t do. King doesn’t buy it.

“Brace yourselves,” King said during an interview at the county fair. “I could hire Bill Clinton to mow my lawn. Don’t tell me there’s work that Americans won’t do. I’d have to write him a big fat check, however, and so I’m going to mow it myself.”

Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, will campaign in Des Moines this afternoon.

(Reporting by Mike Vandy, KLGA, Algona)

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