A new state law allowing Iowans to purchase and launch fireworks comes with a warning from the Department of Natural Resources.

The DNR’s Sue Johnson says fireworks, after they’re used, should be dunked in water before they’re tossed in the trash. If they “misfire,” Johnson suggests giving them some extra attention.

“Mostly for the duds that remain hot after they don’t go off – those are the ones you want to submerge overnight,” Johnson says. After they’re soaked in water, Johnson says it’s best to wrap those dud fireworks in plastic wrap, so they don’t dry out, and then place them in the garbage. Johnson is also offering advice about the storage of newly purchased fireworks.

“It’s best to store them in a cool, dry area. You don’t want to put them on top of an appliance that could have short or something during a storm that could set (the fireworks) off,” Johnson said. Under the law approved by Iowa Legislators this year, the sale and use of fireworks is permitted in the state from June 1st through July 8th and from December 10th through January 3rd. Cities and counties can ban the use of fireworks, but not their sale.

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