A Congressional report concludes Iowans pay significantly more for their prescription drugs than Canadians or Mexicans. Congressman Leonard Boswell, a democrat from Davis City, asked for the analysis. Boswell uses the data as support for a bill he’s authored. The bill would force pharmaceutical companies to offer prescription drugs to Medicare recipients for the SAME low price charged to H-M-Os, insurance companies and some government programs. Boswell says it would help elderly pensioners. Boswell’s “Prescription Drug Fairness Act” would help pharmacies get cheaper drugs by pooling orders — for the kind of “bulk buy” that’s lower priced. The Committee on Government Reform and Oversight found Iowans pay 72 percent more for prescription drugs than do residents of Mexico — and 102 percent more than Canadians. The Committee evaluated drug prices in Ames, Newton, Indianola, Chariton, Lamoni, Knoxville, Albia, Washington, Fairfield, Burlington and West Point.

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