Inmates in the Clarinda prison are getting new work. H-and-H Trailer Company plans to open a new factory near the southwest Iowa prison and employ 160 inmates. Clarinda Mayor Frank Snyder says it’s a good idea.Critics of other attempts to use prison labor say such jobs should go to law-abiding citizens. Snyder says there’s not much grumbling in Clarinda.Snyder says the company hasn’t been able to find enough workers because of the county’s low unemployment rate.Prison Warden Mark Lund says the 22-thousand square foot factory will be built at the prison.Lund says it’s the largest effort to employ Iowa prisoners. The plant is to open in September, and inmates will earn up to nine-dollars an hour.Lund says security will as tight as the prison itself.H-and-H must employ at least 45 civilians at its plant in Braddyville in order to continue operations at the Prison.

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