The top Democrat in the Iowa House is calling on Des Moines Representative Michael Cataldo to step down. Cataldo, a democrat, was found guilty today of making obscene phone calls. House Minority Leader Dave Schrader of Monroe says it’s a tough decision, but says he believes “it’s the best thing for the legislature, the best thing for the State of Iowa and ultimately, the best thing for Mike Cataldo, if he stands aside.”Cataldo won a close primary race and is running unnapposed in November. Schrader says Cataldo can’t be forced to resign, he says it is his best judgement though that the best thing is for Cataldo to resign. Schrader says he called Cataldo and has asked him to resign.Republican House Speaker Brent Siegrist says Cataldo should consider stepping down. Siegrist says voters however, will have the opportunity in a few months to decide if Cataldo should still represent them.Republicans don’t have a challenger to face Cataldo and Siegrist isn’t sure if they’ll try to find one. Siegrist says it’s an extremely democratic district that would be tough for a republican to win.Siegrist says Cataldo might follow in the footsteps of fellow democrat Bill Clinton and eventually overcome this scandal.Cataldo later this month. He faces up to 30 days in jail and a 250-dollar fine.

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