Al Gore’s 23-year-old daughter, Kristin, paid a visit to the Iowa delegation this morning. Kristin Gore, who is a comedy writer for the Fox t-v show Futurama, spoke briefly — and without telling a joke. She urged Iowans to vote for Democrats from the statehouse to the Whitehouse.Former Ohio Senator Howard Metzenbaum stirred up the Iowans with a breakfast-time diatribe against George W. Bush and his running-mate Dick Cheney — who are both oil men. He says the Democratic ticket has better balance.Metzenbaum is now head of the Consumer Federation of America, and he’s a friend of Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader. He told the Iowans they can’t afford to vote for Nader and take votes away from Gore.Two Iowa elected officials — Ag Secretary Patty Judge and Attorney General Tom Miller — spoke this afternoon in the convention hall.

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