Iowans with concerns about Tourette’s Syndrome finally have a place to turn. Organizers of a support group in central Iowa say theirs is the -only- group of its kind in the state for people who have a loved one with the neurological disorder.Bob Krasicki has organized the support group, which now meets once a month in Des Moines. The first meeting was last week. Krasicki says Tourette’s Syndrome is characterized by a combination of vocal noises or body movements or “ticks” in the person who is afflicted.While the movements may be very subtle, like eye blinking or a hushed murmur, the ticks can also be very noticeable, like muscle spasms or a loud yelp. Krasicki’s 12-year-old daughter has Tourette’s Syndrome. He says the support group is targeted toward parents, loved ones or caregivers of people who have the disorder. He says it is a small group so far, but those who attended the premiere meeting got a lot out of it.About 100-thousand people in the U-S have full-blown Tourette’s Syndrome, but up to one in every 200 people are partially effected. The support group will meet the second Thursday of every month at 7 p-m at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. For more information on Tourette’s, call 800-237-0717.

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