Iowa’s representatives in Washington disagree on whether a water regulation bill is good for Iowa. The U-S House yesterday overrode President Clinton’s veto of the bill, which supporters say would protect residents along the Missouri River from flooding and preserve barge traffic and recreational boating. In the Senate, Iowa democrat Tom Harkin says he’ll support a new version of the bill.Senator Harkin says the part of the bill that drew the veto has been removed. He expects the new version of the “clean” bill to pass today in the Senate. Harkin says he’ll continue to work to make sure the needs of the Missouri River communities are being met.All five Iowans in the House supported yesterday’s veto override, including democrat Leonard Boswell. Iowa Congressman Tom Latham, a republican, says Senator Harkin is “playing politics.” Latham says the new version of the bill will -not- protect Iowa interests, but instead, would favor another neighboring state.Latham says Harkin is backing South Dakota recreation and a bill that would destroy barge traffic and recreational boating, while putting Iowa lives and property at risk. He says it’s a huge issue and for Harkin to support Vice President Gore and other democrats jeopardizes Iowans.Latham says lower water levels on the Missouri River during the summer will mean a 40-percent drop in the electricity power plants can produce at dams. He says that’ll translate to higher utility bills for many northwest Iowans. Latham says the original bill would prevent the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service from -raising- water levels during the flood-prone spring season in an “unproven bid” to help three endangered species.

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