The state of Iowa plans to buy up to four million dollars in t-v advertising to show the downside of smoking. The goal is to change the “acceptable social norm of smoking” among teenagers. Iowa Department of Public Health director Stephen Gleason says the success of the campaign will depend on the type of the ads.Gleason says ads which emphasize the fear of death from smoking won’t work ’cause teens don’t think they’ll ever die. Gleason says to be a success, the ad campaign should focus on how teens have been misled by tobacco companies.Gleason is in Sioux City this morning to tout a new law which would force insurance companies to cover mental health and substance abuse treatment.This past spring, Iowa legislators debated but failed to pass a bill, which would force insurers to cover mental health treatment. A recent international survey concluded depression is the second-most disabling injury in businesses. Gleason says a broad cross-section of Iowans are unable to get adequate treatment for a mental health problem — or an addiction to drugs.This evening, Gleason will attend a forum in Storm Lake to discuss immigration. Gleason says it’s a “listening session” with the community. Lieutenant Governor Sally Pederson will attend the event, too.

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