Bill Clinton’s picture has been replaced with George W. Bush’s at the Iowa Statehouse. The President’s picture hangs at the front of both the Iowa House and Senate. Two years ago, Senate President Mary Kramer sparked controversy when she took Bill Clinton’s picture down so Clinton wouldn’t be in the background of her family photos. This time she was careful. She says the new president’s picture was hung in the chamber, and out of respect for the out-going President, Bill Clinton’s official portrait has been preserved. Republican House Speaker Brent Siegrist of Council Bluffs scheduled a very public changing of the pictures to avoid controversy. Bush’s picture, which came from Texas, is quite small, black-and-white and temporary. Siegrist gave Clinton’s picture to the leader of House Democrats.Twelve years ago, House democrats snipped the wires supporting President Reagan’s picture to take it down and republicans accused them of defacing it so it couldn’t be hung again.

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