The “G” men — Doug Gross and Greg Ganske — rallied the G-O-P troops at the Iowa Republican Party’s state convention in Cedar Rapids this weekend. Republican candidate for Governor Doug Gross promised a new era of “compassionate realism” if he’s elected. He says that’s were government “does a few things and does them well.” Gross says its one were the focus is on improving schools, creating high paid jobs and running government without tax increases.Gross, who has never held office before, said Vilsack made promises he didn’t keep. He says “He raised our expectations and he let us down.” Gross asked the audience if they could think of one significant positive thing Vilsack has accomplished for the state of Iowa, they said “No.” Gross said Vilsack’s squandered the state’s budget surplus. U-S Senate candidate Greg Ganske accused democrat Senator Tom Harkin of saying one thing as a candidate and doing another as a Senator. He says Tom Harkin the candidate sits in an F-16 and praises it, but Tom Harkin the senator voted to prevent the F-16 from every being built.Ganske was dogged at the convention by the popularity of his republican primary opponent, Bill Salier. The party’s top brass, except for Ganske, attended a reception Salier hosted Friday night, and during his speech to the convention, Ganske got the most applause when he saluted Salier.Ganske shrugs off the idea Salier’s decision to continue campaigning will harm his chances against Harkin.

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