The Annual Convention of Iowa-based “Seed Savers Exchange” brings some 250 people to Decorah this weekend. They’ll camp at the more than 20-year-old Heritage Farm where plants you seldom see are cultivated at the arm’s “Preservation Gardens.” Founder Kent Whealey says 25 years ago, he and his wife were given garden seeds her grandparents brought from Bavaria, and began wondering how many others had such “heirloom seeds.” They wondered how many others had seeds the farmers brought with them when they emigrated, so they’ve worked for 28 years to put together the network of about eight-thousand members all growing and distributing these kind of seeds. He says this is all the genetic material we’ll ever have to breed crops of the future, and for folks concerned about Genetically Modified Organisms, Seed Savers are “kind of at the other end of the spectrum.” A board member who comes from New York has written a book called “Melons for the Passionate Grower” and another’s written “Local Flavors – Cooking andEating from America’s Farmers Markets.” An anthropologist will talk about Native American Gardening and after a barn dance tonight, Sunday will feature tours of the Decorah farm and workshops for the members. Learn more about Heritage Gardens and heirloom seeds — surf to

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