Iowa’s two U.S. Senators both say they hope Saddam Hussein’s capture will speed the process of “self-rule” in Iraq. Senator Tom Harkin says he hopes it speeds the return of U.S. troops to their homes, and Senator Charles Grassley predicts it will spur development of the Iraqi economy. Grassley says the Iraqis have a “historical reputation” for being contributors to the culture of the world, and Grassley says Iraqis can recapture that heritage now that Hussein’s gone. In a prepared statement, Senator Harkin said Hussein “must now be held accountable for his crimes” and should be tried in the international court in the Hague. Grassley hopes the Iraqis themselves try Hussein for his crimes.Grassley says if the Iraqi people conduct Hussein’s trial, it will send a clear message to other despots around the world. Grassley also says it’s good that Hussein was captured alive.Grassley says a trial will be good “for the history books” and be a good reminder that there are bad people in the world. Harkin says he hopes Hussein’s capture reduces the guerrilla attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq. Grassley says Hussein’s capture is “a clear symbol that victory can be secured” but Grassley warns that the war on terror is far from over. Grassley says “this is going to take a long effort, and Afghanistan and Iraq (are) just, hopefully, big steps, but we don’t know for sure, it could be small steps in overcoming terrorism.” Grassley says Iraq is still “fragile” enough that it will remain an issue in the presidential campaign, but he says Hussein’s capture eliminates one of the worries for Bush’s reelection.

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