Movie star Ben Affleck visited Iowa Democrats at their National Convention in Boston this morning, posing for pictures after a short speech in which he criticized President Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy, including himself. (See earlier story for more details on Affleck’s appearance) Affleck also said Bush should be spending more money to equip the men and women of the military who’re fighting overseas today. The veterans of past battles are also being highlighted at this convention as John Kerry seeks to emphasize his own status as a Vietnam veteran. Retired General Wesley Clark was Kerry’s political foe earlier this year but is now speaking on Kerry’s behalf, as he did this morning at a breakfast meeting with Iowa Democrats. Clark says it’s a big task to convince Americans they should change their Commander-in-Chief in the middle of a war. Clark says the country needs “a Commander-in-Chief who’s actually been there and heard the bullets fly, seen the flash of the tracers and saved men’s lives in battle.” Clark says Kerry, through his volunteer service in Vietnam, has proven that he can “stand in there and take it” when the going gets rough. This evening First Lady Christie Vilsack is scheduled to speak at the convention at about eight o’clock Iowa time. Mrs.Vilsack says she’ll start out by holding up a sort of talisman she’s had since she was three-years-old. Mrs. Vilsack won’t say what it is; she says she doesn’t want to ruin the surprise.

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