Large trucks sporting pictures of aborted fetuses have arrived in Iowa on schedule. The trucks are operated by a California-based group called the “Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.” Spokesperson Stephanie Gray describes the ten-foot-tall full-color images on the vehicles. She says it’s “a very graphic image of a killed very tiny human being.” She says you’ll see tiny hands, feet and heads as the abortion rips kids to pieces. Above the pictures is the word “Choice.”Gray describes the reactions of people along the way as the trucks drive through 22 “battleground” states across the country,including Iowa. She says some stare in silence, she says “we get thumbs up, thumbs down, sometimes other digits,” and says they want to ask people which is worse, the bloody pictures, or the fact that babies are being killed. The group’s nationwide tour began in February in Florida and is scheduled to end in November in Washington state. Gray says she’s grateful that the bearers of the shocking images have not been the target of physically violent reactions, but each truck is followed by a private security vehicle. She says they still have some fear for their safety, saying abortion supporters would be angry about the sight being shown to the world, angry enough to hurt the carriers. Gray says the goal’s to convince voters to consider the issue of abortion when they vote in November. Gray says successful social-reform movements like civil rights have dramatized injustice with shocking images so they can change the culture. The group said last week it isn’t backing any political candidate but thinks viewers of its pictures will reach the “correct conclusions.” The vice president of Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, an abortion provider, said last week that this is “an offensive attempt to intimidate and shame women.”

Radio Iowa