Many of the Iowa delegates at the Republican National Convention in New York City came face-to-face with protestors last night. This morning, Reverend Morris Hurd of Marengo opened the Iowa delegation’s morning meeting by praying for those protestors. “We pray for these demonstrators who seem so confused,” Hurd began. Hurd said the protestors are “putting so much energy into just hatred.” Hurd and the Iowa delegates prayed that there might be some way the protestors “could come to terms with feelings that they have and can support the country” the way he and the republicans at the convention want to do. Last night as Iowa delegates walked out of a Broadway they were shouted at by young demonstrators, chanting “just go home” and punctuating their protests with obscenities. Some of the Iowa delegates yelled back, and Iowa Republican Party co-chair Leon Moseley said they wouldn’t let the protestors divert the GOP from its main goal of defeating John Kerry.

Radio Iowa