The case to remove Cass County Attorney James Barry from office for alleged improprieties ended Thursday with -no- verdict. Judge Robert Hutchinson asked the lawyers to put in writing any motions or other closing arguments to be turned in by this (Friday) afternoon. Barry was questioned by his attorney Joseph Hrvol about his practice of reducing speeding tickets to non-moving violations with big fines to bring money to the county sheriff’s office. Since Monday is a holiday, Judge Hutchinson is expected to rule on Barry’s case Tuesday afternoon, the same time the trial of Cass County Sheriff Larry Jones is slated to begin. Shortly after prosecuting attorney Ronald Feilmeyer finished his cross-examination of Barry, Judge Hutchinson questioned Barry himself. Barry contends he did nothing wrong by allowing people to plea-bargain their tickets.Judge Hutchinson questioned Barry on his legal interpretations of statutes in the Iowa Code. Hutchinson also questioned Barry about the so-called “donations” to the sheriff’s office by people who had plea-bargained down their moving violations to non-moving violations. The judge said he will not be able to rule in Barry’s case until next week. He says it will be a task to keep the two separates as he moves forward. The day concluded with Barry’s attorney calling three character witnesses, including two Cass County supervisors, who praised Barry for always being prepared, his high energy level and diligence in the courtroom.

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