Joyce Schulte, the democratic candidate for western Iowa’s congressional seat says Iraq is a “hornet’s nest” and withdrawal probably isn’t possible anytime soon. Schulte says if the U.S. withdraws, it might unleash more terrorist attacks around the world. Schulte, who lives in Creston, says if elected, she would favor getting out of Iraq on a longer “stair-step” basis. Schulte says then the U.S. will have to launch smaller-scale eradication of terrorists being harbored in countries like Somalia and Yeman. As far as the Bush Administration policy “preemption” — striking terrorists before they strike us — Schulte says America must be careful in pursuing that course. Schulte says the U.S. went into Iraq based “on fantasy, fiction” and “hoped-for” evidence of a link to Al Qaeda. Schulte says if she had been in Congress two years ago, she would have voted against giving President Bush the authority to attack Iraq.” Schulte has a son serving in the U.S. Air Force. She made her comments during an appearance on Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press.” Congressman Steve King, her republican opponent, declining an invitation to appear on the program with Schulte.

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