Professor says vampires are misunderstood

The myth of blood-sucking vampires has a basis in misunderstood science and a University of Northern Iowa researcher is working to explain fiction with facts. Catherine Zemen, a professor of preventative medicine at U-N-I, has been studying blood disorders in Romania...

Center helps raptors recover

Owls may be the mail carrier for Harry Potter and a symbol of spooky things on Halloween, but when they’re hurt or sick many vets don’t have the training to help the big birds. A center in Carrol County offers a refuge for wild birds, and director Kay...

Herky statues pulled in early

Vandals have won and an Iowa City display of mascots will end. Fiberglass statues of University of Iowa mascot Herky the Hawk have been a target for vandals since just hours after they were put up on the streets of Iowa City and Coralville. The seven-foot figures made...
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