An Iowa woman whose husband was killed in the September Eleventh attacks is flying to New York today (Friday) with two women who’ve helped her cope with the loss.

Jean Cleere of Newton is being escorted by hospice counselor Jennifer Barnett of Monroe and Mary Dooley, the executive director of the Marshalltown Red Cross chapter. Dooley says they took a trip to New York in 2002 to mark the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

Dooley says “The three of us felt it was very appropriate that we make a pilgrimage of sorts back to New York City for the fifth anniversary. I think this will be both a time of looking back and reflecting and remembering and an affirmation of mending.”

She says they’ll spend Monday, the 11th, taking part in the many events at Ground Zero, though Dooley adds, the whole weekend won’t be somber. Dooley says “We’re planning to do some sightseeing and to take in some Broadway musicals and have at least part of the trip very upbeat.” Both Dooley and Barnett served near Ground Zero in 2001. Barnett is also a Red Cross disaster mental health volunteer with the Iowa Rivers Chapter in Marshalltown.

Radio Iowa