A spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Public Health says the 10-state outbreak of sickness linked to e-coli bacteria from raw spinach has Iowans asking questions. Nicole Peckum says so far there’s nothing to worry about. She says there have been no confirmed cases of e-coli associate with the bagged spinach outbreak.

Peckum says you should not eat fresh spinach, as the F-D-A is advising people to throw away all bagged fresh spinach. Peckum says you’re probably o-kay if it has been awhile since you’ve had the spinach. Peckum says if it has been more than a week since you’ve eaten raw spinach, then you’re probably safe.

She says if you’ve eaten raw spinach more recently, then you need to watch for the e-coli symptoms that include severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Peckum says if you’ve eaten the raw spinach and the symptoms develop, you should contact your doctor. If you’re like Popeye, and eat canned spinach, then you don’t have to worry about e-coli. For more information about the outbreak, surf to:www.fda.gov.

Related web sites:
FDA website

Radio Iowa