A ban on smoking in Iowa bars and restaurants will take effect July 1, but some bars in the state have already gone smoke-free. Mahoney’s Irish Pub in Cedar Rapids banned smoking two-weeks ago. Customer Travis Lohrer is a smoker, but says he doesn’t mind the change.

"I have no problem stepping outside if I need to. Actually, now I’ve found that I’m smoking less down here," Lohrer said. Bar owner Dennis Mahoney says he could’ve waited until July, but decided the bar needed "fresh air" after a long winter. He says the move will protect the health of his customers and bartenders.

"A lot of them, with the long winter, have had bronchial problems. So, it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time," Mahoney said. In addition, all the bars in Ireland are smoke-free. So, Mahoney says an authentic Irish pub in Cedar Rapids, Iowa should be smoke-free.

Mahoney admits he’s lost a few customers over the change, but claims he’s doubled his business on the weekends. 

Radio Iowa