A community service and food program is expanding in Iowa. Jon Eric Brantner coordinates “Share Iowa” in Shenandoah and says he wanted to reinstate the food program since it was beneficial to him as a middle school student.

Brantner says he’s joined forces with the Share Iowa program in Red Oak to provide solid groceries at dramatically lower costs for area residents. “Anyone can participate,” Brantner says. “This used to be a program in Shenandoah that a lot of the elderly people participated in. It’s quite a bit of food and it’s well-balanced food: you get meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and staple items, spagetti or spagetti sauce, as well as usually some type of dessert.”

He says the $22 is supposed to be enough to feed a family of four for a week and there’s only a small catch to getting food so cheaply. The only requirement to participate is to perform two hours of community service.

“You don’t have to be picking trash up off the highways,” Brantner says. “You don’t have to be downtown picking weeds out of the landscapes. Do anything from raking your neighbor’s yard or picking up prescriptions for a sick friend, anything that is volunteering your time to benefit someone else.”

Brantner says Share Iowa creates a win-win for the individual and the community. He says just look for someone to help in any way. He says you may have a neighbor who needs her yard raked or her lawn mowed, adding, “It’s really easy to pick up two hours once you know how to look for the right situation.”

Share Iowa locations are scattered throughout the state. To find the closest one to you, call (712) 215-0024 or visit the website www.shareiowa.org.

Kristan Gray, KMA, Shenandoah

Radio Iowa