A message that went out over the weekend via Twitter said the Rebuild Iowa Office had been flooded. R-I-O’s Intergovernmental Affairs Director Susan Judkins posted a message calling the incident ironic. She wrote "R-I-O is recovering from a weekend flood in the office caused by burst drinking fountain pipes in the Wallace Building."

But R-I-O spokesperson, Tina Potthoff, says there wasn’t a flood and it’s not ironic. " We had a minor leak in the drinking fountain in our area that was found over the weekend. It was clean water. We don’t have standing water but we do have a dehumidifier and floor fans that are going to make sure the space is properly dried," Potthoff said.

The Rebuild Iowa Office was criticized earlier this year for spending nearly $20,000 on new carpet. Potthoff says the carpet is fine and will not need to be replaced. The comment about the so-called flood has since been deleted from Susan Judkin’s public twitter account.

The new carpeting at the Rebuild Iowa Office was the subject of questions by lawmakers earlier this year. Potthoff said at the time that the space they’re occupying used to be used by the state crime lab and replacing the carpeting was an "environmental health" issue. 

Radio Iowa