
Mariana Ramirez is a senior at Schaller-Crestland. She was nominated by teacher Kelly Wiener:

AUDIO: About Mariana Ramirez

Mariana-Ramirez150“Mariana is a true Scahller-Crestland success story. She is an inspiration to all of our students as she shows daily what hard work and determination can accomplish. Mariana arrived in the United States as a 5th grader. She started her education at Schaller-Crestland as a 6th grader with limited English and a burning desire to learn. As a senior, Mariana is planning to attend Buena Vista University and major in pre-dentistry and minor is psychology.

She has received the Presidential Academic Achievement Award, Governor’s Volunteer Award and Character Counts Honorable mention recipient for all of her volunteer work which includes: After School Program at S-C, Big Brothers and Big Sisters Mentor, Student Advisory Committee Member, and National Honor Society Member. This fall Mariana organized a group of Hispanic students and their families to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by creating a display in the library, creating a PowerPoint for students and staff and organizing an assembly that provided Hispanic food, music and activities for the Schaller-Crestland student body. Mariana competes in individual speech, quiz bowl, TAG and golf.

In her community, Mariana was selected as a 2008 Schaller Popcorn Queen and represented Schaller in various community and area activities. She is a member of Lutheran Youth of Christ at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Schaller and serves as Vice President of the organization. She helps with the summer Vacation Bible School at church, adopt a highway clean-up, helped create care packages for victims of natural disaster and worked at various church fundraisers.

Mariana has had many obstacles to overcome and yet she accepts all honors and awards with grace. She is the most appreciative person I have ever met. As a teacher, it is a joy to have a student who sets such a high bar for all of us through her actions and her work ethic. Mariana is not just a superior student, she is a superior person and I nominate her for your fine award and honor.”

Radio Iowa