The U.S. Senate is starting debate this morning on Elena Kagan’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.  A handful of Republicans are joining Democrats in supporting Kagan’s bid, but Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley is not among them.  Grassley will vote against her nomination, as he did in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“It’s pretty unrealistic to think that she won’t end up in the neighborhood of 62, 63 votes,” Grassley says. “My reasons that I’ll state on the Senate floor today or tomorrow or the next day, whenever I get the opportunity, will be similar to what I gave in committee.”

Grassley, a Republican, says he is concerned about Kagan’s lack of judicial experience and Grassley says she’s not suited for the Supreme Court because of her viewpoints and attitudes.

“We consider her not to be dispassionate,” Grassley says. “That means, basically, we fear she’s going to put her personal views into judging. Judges are supposed to do nothing but interpret the law.”

Grassley says his vote against Kagan is based her writings, as well as private meetings Grassley has had with the nominee, in addition to several hours of Senate hearings and he voted against her nomination in the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

Iowa’s other U.S. Senator, Democrat Tom Harkin, plans to vote in favor of Kagan’s nomination.

Radio Iowa