The State Judicial Nominating Commission has posted the questionnaires and writing samples submitted by the sixty people who’re seeking one of the three vacancies on the Iowa Supreme Court. The information posted by the commission includes the lengthy resumes of all the candidates.

It also includes some tidbits about their backgrounds and personal contact with the court system. For example, one of the applicants worked at a department store waiting tables and wrapping packages to support herself in undergraduate school.

Another applicant was sued by a college roommate over a deposit on an apartment. He said the roommate did not help clean the apartment. The court awarded the roommate half of what he sued for, or $90. One applicant sued U.P.S. for damage to a package delivered to him.

The outcome of the lawsuit was not listed in the information. Another applicant was sued when a woman coming to pick up her child from a play date slipped and fell and broke her wrist at his home. The court ruled in his favor.

At least two of the applicants were disciplined for telephone book ads that overstated their qualifications.

You can see all of the information here on the court system website:

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