Iowans’ kitchens are busy places during the holidays, with cookies baking and big meals being prepared. Those aromatic goodies will create temptations for people — and pets. Pam Wiese, spokeswoman for the Humane Society, reminds pet owners that some foods are very dangerous for dogs and cats.

“Cocoa or dark baker’s chocolate, onions and grapes because those can cause toxic reactions,” Wiese says, adding, those toxic reactions can be fatal. Gift boxes of food are popular during the holidays. Wiese says never put wrapped boxes of chocolate or meat and cheese under the tree as Fido will likely find it and have a feast.

Wiese says, “Your dog has a great sense of smell and he is going to go for any type of food source underneath the tree.” One symbol of the season, the Christmas tree, can be exceptionally dangerous for cats. Wiese says ornaments are a big temptation for felines.

“Your Christmas tree looks like the best buffet of cat toys,” she says. “Even the hooks that you hang them on can be an issue. Definitely the tinsel and they eat it and it can wrap around the intestines and cause issues as well.”

Wiese says even the best-behaved dogs can be tempted to rummage through the trash if they smell meat or see you put bones in the container. She recommends using a covered trash container at all times.

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