Iowans who want to preserve our state’s resources and history will meet Saturday for the 2012 session of the REAP Congress in the House chamber of the Iowa State Capitol. REAP stands for Resource Enhancement and Protection. REAP coordinator Tammie Krausman says the event will draw people from all corners of Iowa.

“We went around the state and had 18 regional meetings where we talked to people about natural resources, soil conservation, historic preservation and conservation education,” Krausman says. “We had almost 600 people attend those meetings and at each meeting, they elected five delegates.

All of those delegates from around the state will come together and talk about those issues that were addressed at all of the different assemblies.” Krausman says the number of topics discussed will be wide-ranging.

“REAP fully funded is $20-million,” she says. “Generally, because of other priorities, the legislature has given us something less than that, so we’ll be talking about that. We’ll also be talking about water quality and soil conservation and how REAP relates to people with a healthy lifestyle as well as with economic development.”

Krausman says recommendations that come out of the meeting will be forwarded to Governor Branstad, members of the state legislature and the state Natural Resources Commission. Learn more about the REAP Congress at “”

By Pat Powers, KQWC, Webster City

Radio Iowa