The Board of Regents today approved four percent raises for the presidents of Iowa State University, the University of Iowa and the head of the state special schools for the blind and deaf. ISU president, Steven Leath’s salary will jump up to $466,752, U-I president, Sally Mason’s salary will increase to $513,003.

The head of the special schools, Patrick Clancy, will see his salary jumped to $173,526 dollars. Clancy will also receive a $10,000 performance bonus. University of Northern Iowa president, William Ruud did not receive an increase in his salary of $340,000 since he just took over the job.

The Regents also approved a performance bonus of $5,000 for this year and next for Regents executive secretary Robert Donely. Donely was also given a two-year deferred compensation package of $50,000 in the first year and $75,000 in the second year. The salary increases were announced after the board spent much of the day Wednesday in performance reviews. Regent Robert Downer of Iowa City talked about those closed session reviews.

“I’ve been through the process of evaluations on 11 different occasions, and I thought that across the board, this was the best session that we have ever had yesterday,” Downer says. “I thought uniformly the institution heads are all performing at a very high level, and they’re meeting the challenges they are facing in a very difficult environment.”

Board president, Bruce Rastetter of Alden, agreed with Downer. “Our goal as a board is to set goals and objectives and when the institutional heads meet those, to make sure that we reward that,” Rastetter says. “And I think this is a reflection of that perspective and of those goals that the Board of Regents has to continue to improve what are three great universities and special schools. And continue to ask those institutional heads to work hard to deliver those results.”

The board unanimously approved the salary increases and bonuses at their meeting in Ames.

Radio Iowa