Corey Brown

Marshalltown police have released more information on a teenager who was found dead after a five-day search.

Police Chief Mike Tupper talked about the findings in the death of 13-year old Corey Brown. “When you look at the preliminary autopsy results coupled with the investigation facts that we’ve uncovered — it is clear that Corey Brown died from a significant head injury after he fell from a considerable distance, after climbing onto a communication tower,” according to Tupper.

Police say Brown went over a fence and climbed the tower in a secluded area where his body was found Sunday morning. Brown left his home in the evening on January 22nd — after what was reported as a typical parent-teen dispute. Police are still waiting on results of chemical tests following the autopsy — but say there is no indication of criminal activity.

(By Ken Huge, KFJB, Marshalltown)

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