Iowa Department of Health and Human Services Director Kelly Garcia says the state is still evaluating offering additional federal food assistance to low-income kids during the summer.

“We believe in feeding kids, period, full stop. But there are a lot of operational details we’re needing to plan for because Congress didn’t lay out a full package of how to operationalize this program,” Garcia says. The deadline to apply is January first. Garcia says the fact that the state hasn’t decided yet shouldn’t be taken as a sign that it won’t participate.

Democratic State Senator Sarah Trone Garriott Sarah Trone Garriott says she wants the state to join the program.  “We want to make sure that our state has that opportunity, and if there’s anything we can do to assist in making sure that can happen. If that means talking with federal folks, whatever assistance we can provide-because it’s going to help a lot of kids,” she says.

The Summer EBT program would give families about $40 each month in the summer for kids who are eligible for free or reduced-price school lunch. It’s meant to help ensure kids get enough to eat when they’re not in school.

(By Katarina Sostaric , Iowa Public Radio)

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