A Delaware County sheriff’s deputy is being awarded the county’s first Medal of Valor for acts of bravery last fall.

Deputy Matt Menard intercepted a shooting suspect in Hopkinton on November 7th, tried to take him into custody peacefully, but ended up shooting the man — then rendered him first aid.

Deputy Menard was nominated for the medal by his co-worker, Deputy Travis Hemesath.

“Matt’s always been a role model in our department and everybody’s always looked up to Matt,” Hemesath says. “Matt’s more than deserving of this award due to his acts of bravery on that day and it shouldn’t go unrecognized.”

Delaware County Emergency Management coordinator Mandy Bieber says Menard’s actions prevented further loss of life and that’s why he’s being recognized as the first recipient of the new award.

“Delaware County has an amazing group of first responders, whether it’s law enforcement, fire or EMS,” Bieber says. “Prior to this, our responders were doing heroic acts without recognition. With the support of the EMA Commission and the Board of Supervisors, we were able to establish this program that recognizes our responders.”

Menard was honored for his actions at the Delaware County Courthouse, with his family and co-workers attending the ceremony.

(By Janelle Tucker, KMCH, Manchester)

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