The annual “Midwest Pride In Your Ride” truck and tractor show held at Tri-State Raceway in Earlville starts today.
Greg Preussner of Delhi says the event features all sorts of trucks and tractors and it is a Relay for Life fundraiser that sends all proceeds to the American Cancer Society. “Just a whole array of people, a lot of nice antique trucks a lot of late model equipment these guys spend a lot of time and effort getting these trucks ready,” Preussner says. The event started 14 years ago by Eldon Jaeger of Worthington, who wanted to do something in memory of his daughter, who died from cancer.
“If you’ve never been out there you know realizing that your donation your admission goes completely to the Relay for Life come out and check it out there’s a lot to do and a lot to see,” he says. There’s a cancer survivor convoy tonight at 5:30 and a semi pull and light show afterward. There’s more events Saturday.
“We always have our lifetime achievement awards and that’ll happen at 10:30 (am). That’s to honor people that either have trucked for 40 years plus or been involved in the industry,” he says. The event has raised more than one million dollars since its start. The cost to get in the gate for Midwest Pride In Your Ride is ten dollars for ages 13 and older, with cancer survivors admitted for free if they’re wearing their purple cancer survivor t-shirt.
(By Janelle Tucker, KMCH, Manchester)