A soil science professor from Iowa State University is scheduled to testify about the nation’s water supply before a U.S. Senate panel today at the invitation of Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

“I think we’re going to have a realistic professor give us some information,” Grassley says, “and not the propaganda that comes out of that committee’s work. When I say propaganda, that’s not propaganda that global warming is not a serious issue, but it’s how we attack it and whether we do it in a way that doesn’t upset the American economy.”

Grassley, a Republican, says ISU Professor Michael Castellano will appear before the Senate Budget Committee, during the hearing the panel’s leaders are calling “Droughts, Dollars and Decisions: Water Scarcity in a Changing Climate.” Grassley says Castellano should be able to help separate fact from fiction when it comes to our water supply and any significant threats.

If the United States could somehow completely eliminate greenhouse gases today, Grassley says it wouldn’t have much global impact, as nations like China, India, Indonesia and Brazil continue to pollute the planet.

He says climate change can’t be fully addressed until other countries are forced to comply, and Grassley fears the U.S. trying to do too much, too quickly.

“If we go down the road that this Biden administration wants us to go, we’re going to hurt our economy,” Grassley says, “and not do much to the other economies, and in the process not really solve the global warming problem.”

Grassley says he was impressed by Castellano during last week’s tour of a facility in Nevada (Iowa) that converts corn stover to ethanol and natural gas.

This morning’s hearing is scheduled for 9:30/Central time.


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