The longer Independence Day holiday had boaters looking to spend more time on the water, but heavy rains and flooding could interrupt those plans.
Iowa DNR Boating Law Administrator, Susan Stocker, says continued rain has caused water levels and conditions to change daily. “Make sure wherever you’re going you check to make sure the ramps are open because with the high water there certainly should can be some ramps that are closing,” she says.
The flooding has washed all kinds of debris into the water and it may be tough to tell what is lurking below. “You may only see a small what appears to be a small log but that is now a potentially 30 foot tree that is under the surface,” she says. Stocker says a lifejacket is always important, and even more so in high water conditions where you could be thrown from the boat.”Wearing the lifejacket is very, very important because in an emergency situation you won’t be able to find it and or you’re thrown in one direction and the lifejacket is thrown and or the water current is taking it downstream,” Stocker says.
She expects the waterways that are accessible to see a lot of traffic. “We do anticipate good crowds we may see that there is a shift in where people are traveling because some of the areas are flooded but it’s also going to depend on the weather, Stocker says.
Stocker says officers will be looking for drunken boaters, so if you are going to drink, don’t get behind the wheel of a boat.