A Norfolk, Nebraska organization delivered 15 sets of washers and dryers to Sioux City Tuesday for families who lost those appliances in the flooding. The Community Action Agency of Siouxland is coordinating recovery efforts and Katie Logan is part of the agency’s long-term recovery group.
“We have been working for the past couple months to help all victims of the flood figure out what their unmet needs are and get them connected to the resources,” she says. “We are very fortunate that Orphan Grain Train reached out to us right away when the flood hit our area.” She says they told the Orphan Grain Train they had several families that needed washers and dryers and they quickly responded.
Logan says they are still taking requests for items to help flood victims. “Our long-term recovery group will be banded together for as long as it takes us to get everybody taken care of. I urge any family that still has an unmet need in our county to please call us at the Community Action Agency of Siouxland and we will get them hooked up with whatever they might need,” she says. Logan says other requests have come in for refrigerators, freezers, lawnmowers, drywall and insulation for flood victims.
Woodbury County residents can contact the Community Action Agency of Siouxland to seek help.
(By Woody Gottburg, KSCJ, Radio)