Underage drinkers account for 15% of the drunk driving arrests in Iowa and a national group formed in 1980 by the mothers of children killed by drunk drivers has a paid program manager in Iowa for the first time in years.
Shannon Booth was hired 13 months ago to represent MADD — Mothers Against Drunk Driving — and she focuses on underage drinking and substance use prevention programs in Iowa schools. “We also discuss impaired driving and how to keep themselves safe as far as making sure that they are always sober when they’re behind the wheel,” she says, “and then ensuring that they’re going to feel empowered to not get in the car as a passenger if the driver is also under the influence.”
Booth’s presentations aren’t just for teens. She’s also talking with parents.
“Our kids are watching everything that we’re doing. Statistics show that kids are young as eight years old are already deciding whether or not they’re going to consume alcohol as they get older…They’re deciding whether it’s OK to drive after having a couple of drinks or after consuming any other kind of thing that might impair their driving abilities,” she says.
“You know, you’re taking your kids to a t-ball game and you stop off for pizza and you think you can have one beer before you’re going to the game or after at the celebration from the game — your kids are picking up on that…Holidays are really important from that, too, if you’re drinking at a family event and then you’re driving you and your kids home…regardless of what the law says, they’re going to look at it (and say): ‘Well, if mom or dad does it, then it’s probably OK for me to do it.'”
Booth recommends that parents create rules, so their teens know what is acceptable behavior when they’re driving — especially on weekends, over the holidays and during the summer when teens have more free time. And many schools contacted Booth last April, hoping she’d do her presentations for high school students before prom season.
Last month, a second person was hired to be a representative of Mothers Against Drunk Driving and provide impaired driving prevention talks in eastern Iowa. Booth’s now able to schedule her own presentations in western Iowa rather than all across the state.