by admin | Sep 3, 2004 | News
I decided to catch the Tom Vilsack roadshow yesterday. Vilsack was an emcee of sorts for the DNC’s daily roast of the republican convention. I walked to W40th and 7th Avenue, where I met up with Iowa-based AP reporter Amy Lorenzen. We continued down 7th Avenue...
by admin | Sep 2, 2004 | News
One of the most interesting things about this convention is that there hasn’t been a GOP-orchestrated trip to Ground Zero. Even though the rhetoric inside Madison Square Garden has invoked and evoked 9/11 over and over, convention planners perhaps...
by admin | Sep 1, 2004 | News
The dilemma for every big business trying to curry favor with a powerful member of Congress: what to get the US Senator who has everthing? Aegon today paid for a big breakfast for Chuck Grassley & the Iowans who’re here at the RNC in NYC. The Iowans were...
by admin | Aug 31, 2004 | News
Before I write another line about the delegates here, I must spend some time talking about my fellow Iowa reporters in New York City. The first thing you need to know is Rod Boshart of the Cedar Rapids Gazette saved my life. We were walking to the Broadway show...
by admin | Aug 30, 2004 | News
Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel spoke to the Iowa delegation this morning, and he was immediately met by the glee Iowa delegate Joni Scotter shows at every turn. (Last night, Leon Moseley told Joni to settle down after she effusively thanked New York Mayor Michael...