Immigration is shaping up to be a hot-button issue in next year’s gubernatorial race. The anti-immigration group “Project U-S-A” plans to hold town meetings across the state to denounce democrat Governor Tom Vilsack’s proposal to recruit immigrant labor to avert a worker shortage. “Project U-S-A” founder Craig Nelsen says they’ve been talking to law enforcement officials and politicians about how things could move forward.Vilsack has since suggested he only wanted to welcome new people to the state, not actually recruit foreign-born workers. State Representative Jack Hatch of Des Moines says Iowans shouldn’t let a national organization like “Project U-S-A” lead the local discussion about Iowa’s future. Hatch says it’s not a question of national immigration policy. Nelsen responded saying the governor has made immigration in Iowa a national issue.Hatch contends Republicans intend to flog the issue, playing on Iowans’ fears to embarrass the governor.Hatch and Nelsen made their comments during taping of the Iowa Public T-V program “Iowa Press”.

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