State officials swear it wasn’t the Y-2-K bug. Thousands of Iowans who registered to vote at Department of Transportation offices since January are, in fact, NOT registered. Iowa Secretary of State Chet Culver says a computer glitch is to blame.Culver says 81-thousand Iowans registered to vote at D-O-T offices in the past ten months. About 56-hundred of them are likely not registered due to the computer trouble. He says the deadline to register to vote in next month’s presidential election is October 28th.Culver says Iowans who registered to vote in the last several months that have not yet received a voter registration card in the mail might be among those effected by the computer snafu.Culver is confident all of the 56-hundred voters — and others — will get properly registered in the coming three weeks. In the last presidential election, voter turnout in Iowa was a little over 50-percent. Culver is hopeful this year’s race will draw more, perhaps as many as two-thirds of the eligible voters.

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