The adage about “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is the unofficial credo of the Iowa Waste Exchange. The agency matches up would-be garbage from Iowa businesses with the needs of other firms. Such “waste reduction solutions” are saving Iowa companies piles of money.Johanna Woelfel is the program planner for Recycle Iowa and oversees the Iowa Waste Exchange. She says the program has a goal this year of “diverting” at least 75-thousand tons of waste from one business to another. Last year, the goal of diverting 69-thousand tons was by far exceeded as 167-thousand tons was shifted to use rather than the waste pile.Within the goal of diverting 75-thousand tons of trash this year in Iowa, Woelfel says 15-thousand tons should be wood and paper with another ten thousand tons of organic waste. She says products “recycled” range from soap components to lab equipment to weaving materials.She says businesses can save money while improving the environment. For more information, surf to “” or call (515) 281-8176.

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