Eastern Iowa Priest removed after allegation

A Roman Catholic priest has been relieved of his duties at three parishes in northeastern Iowa.The vicar general of the Dubuque archdiocese says the decision to remove Reverend Alan Schmidt came after allegations surfaced involving a man who attended the school of St....

Bettendorf casino files lawsuit over scam

Operators of a Bettendorf gambling boat say they had some back luck and now they hope a lawsuit will put them back in the bucks. Isle of Capri officials say in March and April of 2000, a group of scam artists took advantage of a computer software problem they were...

Governor signs livestock bill into law

Governor Tom Vilsack has signed into law the bill that sets new state regulations for livestock confinements, and gives state officials veto power over proposed facilities. Vilsack says it’s “significant” legislation that will hopefully heal the...

ISU student is top Weather Watching Wizzard

Iowa State University students might want to check with one of their classmates before making any outdoor plans. Junior meteorology student Jeremy Grams beat out competitors from 38 other schools to finish first in the National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest....

Figurines feature famous Iowans

A northern Iowa town hopes to make big money on the sale of tiny statues. The German figurine-maker Hummel is releasing “The Conductor,” a blond boy with his hands in the air, standing at a podium filled with music from the “Music Man,” the...
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