Democrat in Iowa House switching to GOP

A Democrat in the Iowa House of Representatives today announced she’s joining the Republican Party. Democrats controlled the debate agenda for the past four months, and Representative Dawn Pettengill of Mount Auburn says she didn’t get elected to pursue...

$20M building to go up on UI Oakdale Research Campus

University of Iowa officials broke ground Monday morning for a new building at the Oakdale Research Campus. Spokesman George McCrory says it’ll have two functions, as a research lab and business incubator. It’ll support "spin-out" companies from...

Two shot to death in Guthrie County

Two people were shot to death Sunday in western Iowa’s Guthrie County. The calm of small town life was shattered last night in an apartment complex in Bayard. Neighbors in the community of about 500 reported hearing gunshots late Sunday evening. When police...

Two die in canoe accident on Iowa River

Two Hardin County men were killed in a weekend canoe accident on the Iowa River. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says three men in their 20s were walking the canoe near the dam at Alden when the vessel was pulled into the turbulent waters on Sunday night...
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