While young people are often considered to be more tech savvy than adults, there’s one area where they appear to be lagging behind. Iowa Department of Revenue spokesperson, Victoria Daniels, says young people aren’t taking advantage of electronic filing as much as other Iowans.

“I would say the most underutilized category of electronic filers are college students,” according to Daniels. Part of the reason could be that the college kids aren’t doing their own taxes.

“In a lot of cases thier parents are still taking care of it for them, it’s not worth having an accountant prepare it for $200, they don’t have any deductions, so they just get the paper form, mom and dad do it,” Davis says. Davis encourages college kids to take a look at the free options available for filing their taxes.

“You can do it online, chances are you are probably not making enough money to e-file,” Davis says. “I would say that is an important demographic that could really benefit from filing electronically.” And she points out that college students who need money can get their refund back much faster by filing electronically. Students or anyone else who is interested in e-filing can go to: www.iowa.gov/tax.

Radio Iowa